
13 3 月 2020




Dear Customer,

The spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) infections on the Italian national territory has pushed the Italian Prime Minister to issue a series of exceptional restrictive measures, most recently the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020, in order to protect and safeguard the public health.

This Decree, valid for the entire Italian national territory up to 25 March 2020, suspends most of the catering activities (bars, restaurants) and some commercial activities but does not in any way limit production and logistics activities.


We would like to inform you that, to date, we do not know that any of the people in our companies have been directly involved in the cases of contagion, so that all our production activities and related services are fully operational.


None of our suppliers, as far as we know, has suffered from contagion cases, which are currently operating regularly.

The same goes for our logistics providers, we currently have no delivery problems.


As per communication of 03 March 2020, our company is proactively and precautionarily managing this emergency situation, in order to protect and safeguard the health of employees and partners, public health and the continuity of our Supply Chain.


We wish to inform you of the actions implemented by our company to ensure the continuity of services to our partners, the security and integrity of our relationships:

  • where possible, smart working and remote forms of work have been activated and encouraged so as to limit direct contacts between people;
  • internally, prevention and control measures have been adopted, including anti-transmission precautions with personal protective equipment, as well as frequent cleaning and decontamination of the environment;
  • information and training activities have been implemented for all staff in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and enhance precautionary behaviors;
  • direct contacts with people outside the company have been reduced, favoring remote relationships where possible.


We are sure that you can appreciate the commitment and efforts to maintain the appropriate conditions to provide you with a safe and punctual service, without impacting your Supply Chain.

We remain at your disposal for further information through your usual interlocutors at Zoppas Industries.


Vittorio Veneto, 13-03-2020

Federico Zoppas

General Manager